Tuesday, October 16, 2007

A Few More Thoughts

So I was outside on my break and thinking about child abuse... You constantly hear about a child who has been abused or well, even killed these days. It got me thinking... Okay so I think I have a solution... I was going to write about this tomorrow but then I will forget and won't write about it and then the next day I will be like ah man I was going to write about that, and well the cycle will just continue...So you get to read an extra blog today.

Back to solutions.... Okay so your kid is getting on your nerves, which anyone who has kids can honestly say that yes this does happen and if you say your kid doesn't either you are complete denial or you must have a really good kid and I need your number to know what to do??? In the meantime I say okay so your kids totally getting on your nerves, your blood is boiling to the point you feel like you are about to blow a gasket... Never fear... For Misty is here... It's really simple.... Just lock yourself in the bathroom, you can bring one of those stress squeezy things (though I never have those my children would lose it or something) go into the bathroom.... Lock the door.... and SCREAM.... Now don't beat, hit, or do anything destructive to yourself in this time (this is where the stress ball might come in handy) okay so you scream. You do this until your children are quiet... Now this is important the next piece of information... YOU MUST COME OUT OF THE BATHROOM ONCE THE KIDS ARE QUIET! Why you ask??? Because if they are quiet, that means they are doing something they shouldn't... Which now that I think about it might put you back into the bathroom for more screaming.... Hmmmm... Well maybe we can put the kid in the bathroom.. No, that won't work that would be neglect.... Hummmm..... Well... let me think about this a little more on this little plan I have and I will just get back to you on this one... Until then just put your pillow and blanket in the bathroom because you might have to hang out there most of the day until I can figure out a better solution... Have a happy evening lol :)


Anonymous said...


You are soooo funny! I like your attitude about kids and life. I am going to keep reading! Thanks!!!


Misty said...

Why thank you for the comment :) Nice to know someone thinks I am funny... I feel like I am typcially the one who says the jokes and everyone gives you the blank stare so then you are then left with trying to act like you ment the joke to do that??? LOL....
Thanks for the comment and have a great day :)