Thursday, October 18, 2007

Hello my fellow bloggers!

So how are things today??? Well for me they are going okay... Other then calling the school today... Apparently my daughter missed a total of three days of school (because she got sent home from being sick and was told she couldn't come back until the fever was gone) well I forget the stupid note, and now they want me to take a parenting class... HOWEVER the two classes they had ONE was for the day after they WROTE the letter (not sent it) and the second was for today the day AFTER I was suppose to have the class, now explain to me how I was suppose to do that????????? urgh.... I swear. You would think that my child missed loads of days or they didn't know in the first place WHY they were gone??????? anyways.... But it's all good I am sure I will figure something out with them. Still it's just a hassle.

So I am fianlly kid free for two days (well one more day my ex got the kids last night) he hasn't had them in 8 days and boy was I needing my break! It's not that I don't want my kids, but when you are use to things a certain way and then things change it really throws you off not to mention my kids. Since my ex got this new job he can't stick to the schedule that we had with the kids, so needless to say things have not been fun. But hopefully that will work itself out soon. I am hopeful :)

Other then that not too much to report.... Saw an article today about how it might be good for a job to allow swearing. I thought yeah that's real professional! I don't know... Not to say I have never said a swear word, I have said plenty lol but at work, I guess it's more there is a time and place if at all type thing. I think that there are just better ways to talk then to curse sometimes. Especially in the work place. But hey that's just my opinion.

Well I guess that's all for now sorry the blog is a little on the boring side, personally I am feeling a little icky today so....

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