Tuesday, October 23, 2007

Morning Radio

Hello my fellow friends, First I must say DANG is it COLD outside... I am sure some of you peeps are from up north and you are thinking cold??? This is some shorts wearing weather (okay so you wouldn't say that so hick like) but you get the drift. To us Texans who are use to having 100 degree weather and then one day it goes to 40 that's COLD man! Okay so the weather the day before was like 90 or something but still... That's a difference! So I was home yesterday with my sick son. The night before I snuggled them all to bed, decided to call a friend and low and behold my son starts crying. I go into his room just expecting to calm him down to see he threw up all over himself! Sigh.... I HATE throw up, but I manage to clean it all up with one hand while talking on the phone before I let my caller go lol.... Was up til 2 am. Needless to stay we stayed home yesterday. Hence no blog entry.

So on to the topic Morning Radio :) on my way to work I usually listen to the radio and usually it's a bunch of talking. If it wasn't for the crew of 106.1 being entertaining enough that I don't change the channel most of the time, that's what I listen to. So on my way to work this morning in horrid traffic. TWO wrecks this morning!!! Ugh.. People should learn how to drive LOL.... (I say this and I had a fender bender not too long ago because I was texting at a stop light) LOL NOTE TO SELF: don't text and drive! Okay back to the morning radio... So they were talking about Dancing with the stars. Now I don't watch this show... I am usually too into my shows I watch on Channel 11 (things like how I met your mother, and two in a half men) I like to laugh. But anyways I get the gest of the show, and you see the highlights on tv so what's the point in watching I say.

So 106.1 is really into getting Mark Cuban to win because they like him but apparently he is suppose to be one of the worst dancers on the show. But because he has "heart" and works really hard the show is trying to get their listeners to make all these email accounts so that they can vote a zillion times for Mark to keep him on the show. Now this really bugs me! Not that I have anything agaisn't Mark, I am sure he is a great guy. But he made the CHOICE to go on the show. No one made him. He wanted to knowing that he sucks, knowing that he had some hip replacement... So it's like uh, well your loss dude. Isn't the purpose to vote for the people who do the BEST... Not try their best????? I mean like with American Idol, can you imagin letting through the people who sucked just because they had the heart and tried really hard? Nope they get laughed at and sent home and repeaditly laughed out now because of the wonderful American Idol rewind lol... So what because he has a lot of money people should feel for him? Uh no! You entered a DANCE COMPETITION either you got it or you don't! Anyways, I don't even watch the show so I shouldn't care LOL.... I just got annoyed listening to that on the radio.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Thanks for writing this.