Monday, September 8, 2008

Random Stuff

Hmmmm.... Where to start on my random thinking..... Well I guess I will update so far on the Milk issue... So my daughter Amy gets into the car and informs me she was refused anything to drink at lunch!!! Well how nice of them! Of course Katie chirps in (yes she chirps just like a bird, can you believe it we understand bird!) and lets me know that she did get juice infact she moved up from orange juice to apple juice... Ewwwww Ahhhhhhh...... Anyways of course this doesn't settle well with Amy nor I. I called the peds office to make sure the letter has been sent. I will be going up to the school tomorrow to make sure my children will have some liquid with their food... god forbid that peanut butter get stuck to the roof of their mouths with nothing wet to ease it down. Man that sounded a bit nasty? Okay mind out of the gutter, Mind out of the gutter.... Before we get to gutter talk....

My next thought is a comment my oldest Amy tells me... I love how children who are only 8 freaken years old seem to have the ability to talk back and act like they already have lived this world! Ya know experience, jobs, friends, money all the good adult stuff that we would traid in for play time and naps anyday. Anyways back to my rambling point here. My daughter had her pillow outside and I told her she needed to bring it in the house. She mouths off and says Katie brought it outside and why does she have to bring it inside. I am like well YOU were the one laying on it and besides I asked you to do it... I mean common it's not like I am asking her to clean the whole house or something I am asking to walk a few steps and take a pillow inside the house! UGH! So she gets all dramatic and says how it's not fair, I'm so mean and I don't care about her.....

Excuse me but lets stop for a minute since when did I already have a TEENAGER or something? First this is about a PILLOW! Ugh... I tell her oh I don't care, so those toys, those clothes, those shoes, that pillow... All those things you have and I don't care.... I am so tempted to take her bed down. Make her wear just panties, take out all her toys everything she has, and wait for her to beg for food... OF course I am sure CPS wouldn't find that very motherly by far. But maybe she would get to see what she has... Or maybe a nice little trip at the homeless shelter? Geez since when did 8yr olds get such a BIG HEAD? Can you say DRAMA QUEEN! Did I mention she is 8 what shall I expect at 18??? No wait... don't answer that I am going to assume that we will skip over those years and go right to when she is an adult married and I can play with the grandbabies... I can do that right?


I think that's all my thoughts for tonight I am sure I will have more tomorrow lol.

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