Monday, September 22, 2008

Happy Birthday Baby!

So yesterday was my son's 5th Birthday... So in honor of his birthday I made a slide show from when he was a baby to now! I hope you enjoy it....

It was September 21st, 2003 when our son was born. I was 38wks pregnant when I noticed my son wasn't moving as much anymore. My husband (at the time) convinced me for peace of mind to just go to the hospital so they could get him moving and send us home. So we dropped the girls off at their nana's and told her we would be back in a couple hours. We arrived at Baylor of Dallas I guess around 8pm or it could of been earlier (It's been a while lol).... I remember though when we got there the hospital was VERY busy. They were having to send patients to Parkland which I was praying I wouldn't have to deliver there. They were so packed they had to monitor me in the ER room.

Once they gave me some soda of course our son starts moving. However the nurse was concerned. Apparently I was in early labor (who knew? I was having contractions for weeks). She called my midwife and let her know I was contracting and that his heart rate kept dropping. My midwife was out of town, so her assistant who I met once came. It took another 2 hours for her to get there. They spoke of induction but once my midwife got there she checked me and low and behold I was already 5 cms. So she decided it was best to just break my water and see what happens.

By midnight we got us a room. She broke my water and the fun began. I labored on the birthing ball as she massaged my back. 3 hrs later I am laying on the bed already pushing out our son.... I was so proud to do it with no epi like I did with my second (that and the labor was only 3 hrs) whoo-hoo..... I hear in the room the nurses saying did you see that??? See What??? Excuse me? Um- hello mom heard that! Apparently the reason his heart rate was dropping because his cord was wrapped around his neck and body so tight that is split apart once he came out... It was a miracle I came when I did because she said she wasn't sure how long it would of held up in the womb.

But he was perfect. 8lbs even, 19 3/4 inches long and beautiful... It's amazing how the years pass by..... Now I have a 5yr old boy who is all boy.... So here is the slide show.

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